Monday, October 27

Crazines and Postal

There are a few things in life that drive me crazy... they are 1. Stupid people. 2. Retardedness for those that have no mental problems. and 3. People that talk baby talk to their dogs. I work at a vet so I deal with all three of these topics constantly. I have to let you people know...Stop with the STUPID!!!!!!! Please or I might end up going postal at work and I really need to keep my job!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenn! Am I still your first commenter?

    I confess, I talk baby talk to my dog sometimes...much more so to my cat. But not extreme baby talk, 'cuz those people are annoying.

    So Obama has won...sigh...time to reestablish the conservative movement and hopefully take back the white house in four years.

    I wanna see Sarah palin run for Senate. What do you think?
